23 Spring: DTAN-310 Notes and Commands TASK For Monday 23-JAN # for Monday 23-JAN # write a function that takes in the number of rolls AND number of sides on the die # and creates a dictionary keyed to each possible die value and whose dict value # is the number of times that value appeared in the rolls # Also, display the value which was rolled the least number of times, # and the greatest number of times # sample call # simulate_rolls(4000, 4) # HINT: Use the roll_die function we already wrote # HINT: use the range() built-in to count rolls for i in range(1,4000): print(i) # Sample ouputscr # ROLLING 4 sided die 4000 times # RESULTS: # 1 was rolled 1200 times # 2 was rolled 800 times # 3 was rolled 1300 times # 4 was rolled 700 times # Most frequent valued rolled: 3 # Least frequent value rolled: 4