Diagram depicting the memory pointer configuration associated with an instance of the vector class from the C++ standard library; used under the provisions of educational fair use; Bjarne Stroustrup, the C++ Programming Langauge, 4th.ed
data structures index > C++ langauge essentials

C++ Language Essentials


Learning a computer language can follow a similar trajectory as learning a human language: master the fundamental phrases (i.e. expressions) and verbs first. Then begin saying more complicated things using unique combinations of those fundamental bits.

Fluently coding in C++ begins with a mastery of these individual components:

  1. Variables and Objects
  2. Operators and class operations
  3. Assignment(=), types, and type safety
  4. Expressions (const, constexpr, conversions)
  5. Control of flow (if, switch, while, for)
  6. Functions (calling, writing)
  7. Classes and user-defined (i.e. custom) types
  8. Pointers and references
  9. Errors and Exceptions
  10. Libraries

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run_circleExercise 1: Diagram that data structure!

Artifact 1: Audio Mixer

Artifact 2: Car stereo

Artifact 3: Bookshelf

Video examples directory

Artifact 4: Hardware organization

run_circleExercise 2: Scavenging data structures