Chunk 4, Module 2: How I Learned to Love the Java Application Programming Interface (the Java API)

Unlocking the power of the Java standard Library

We can harness the complex power of computers by learning how to use code that others folks have written and shared with us to use. This code is collected in a set of packages called the Java Standard Library. We access the features of the standard library through its interface -- the Application Programming Interface.

Just like we have to know how to operate a car to use its features (it rolls, it accellerates, it carries stuff), once we learn how to use the Java API, we can unlock the power its hundreds of classes and thousands of methods. We can use those classes to accomplish our own customized tasks with breathtaking ease.

This module will introduce you to the core skills of reading the API documentation with enough precision that you can use the library's packages in your own programs. We'll start by learning to use straightforward methods on common objects. Then we'll create a quiz program that uses a question class we will build and a linked list to manage the user's interaction with those questions.

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local_diningModule "hamburger" guide
check_boxLearning Objectives
motorcycleExercise 1: Integer Method Chaining
motorcycleExercise 2: Slightly more complicated method calls with double values

Module Hamburger Guide

Chunk 4, Module 1 Printable Hamburger: Java API (*.pdf)

Editable version of Hamburger (open document text *.odt)


Learning Objectives


Digest and diagram the Java library's Application Programming Interface documentation so you can explain what a method does and how one might use it in a program


Use a method on a library class to accomplish a useful task in a program, such as the String.subString(int startingIndex) method


Adapt an object-oriented quiz program which uses the Java Library's LinkedList class and its various methods to create a customized application



Exercise 1: Integer Method Chaining

Exercise type: Be The Compiler

Study the following code for two classes: IntegerMethods and IntegerMethodsChainClient. THEN reproduce the code with DIFFERENT variable values in Netbeans.

Overview of our two classes and their relationship

Integer Methods Code

Note that this is the setup we've been using for some time now: we have a class that acts like a blueprint and a client class that instantiates that blueprint into an Object and then calls methods on that object.

Our method class: IntegerMethods

Integer Methods Code

Peek into the add method:

We can diagram how each of these simple methods work. Add works like this:

Integer Methods Code

Step 1: Reproduce this class in your code, using this skeleton:

Integer Methods Code

Our client class: IntegerMethodChainClient

Integer Methods Code

Step 2: Reproduce this class in your code, using this skeleton:

Integer Methods Code

Step 3: Diagram the methods multiply and subtract

Using the above diagram of add above, create method diagrams on the back of your hamburger.

Step 4: Become the compiler and generate the value of returnedValFromCall3

BEFORE running your code, compute on your own, using your own brain, the value that will be displayed in the program output--the value of the variable returnedFromCall3.

DON'T Peek until you have your own answer!

Step 5: Review the entire process digram of the client class's method calls:


Study this diagram carefully that shows how each of the methods in our client class work with the object IntegerMethods to accomplish useful stuff.

Key to Integer Chaining Methods



Exercise 2: Slightly more complicated method calls with double values

Exercise type: Be the compiler

Study the following code and prepare to Be the Compiler and compute the values that each of our methods generates on your own.

The output of the program is as follows, without the computed values:

Double Methods Code

Step 1: Study the class DoubleMethods

Double Methods Code

Step 2: Review the method diagram for calcPercent:

Double Methods Code

Step 3: Study our client class DoubleMethodChainClient

Integer Methods Code

Step 4: Generate values for each method call result using your BRAIN

On the back of your hamburger, calculate the value of each of our output variables--This is the same output skeleton from above--complete it:

Double Methods Code

Check your answers after you've given it a good faith effort



Exercise 3: The Java API and reading the API documentation

Exercise type: Unpacking the API

We can use code that was written by other coders by learning to read the Java API documentation

Here's the String documentation which shows us all the methods available on each String object we've ever made and ever will make:

Double Methods Code

If we zoom into one particular method, such as toUpperCase, we can see the documentation signature is as follows:

Double Methods Code

We can diagram this method as follows:

Double Methods Code

And we can use this method in a simple Java program like this:

Double Methods Code

Which produces this output:

Double Methods Code

Your Turn!

In a sandbox (or playground) find FIVE other methods on String objects and practice calling them. Screen shot your program and PRINT it with your hamburger.
