The Basics of battling

Team Composition

the Rules

Each person participating in the battle are allowed to have six Pokémon(excluding format rules).

Type Synergy

Knowing what types compliment each other well is a key aspect to team building. People tend to pair Pokémon with a Fire, Water, and Grass types because they cover each others weaknesses well. If you need help with this step of team building please refer back to type type chart posted in the Attributes or Resources Tab.

Move Synergy

Having the same types of move on your Pokémon can cause you team to lack in offensive pressure. Try to use the typing chart again to your advantage looking for types that your team would struggle getting super-effective hits.

Finding Your Play Style

Because the game possesses an abundant amount of diversity, figuring out what type of Pokémon playing style works best for you will ensure your comfortability in a battle. Try building teams with Pokémon you are familiar with. If you are into really bulky or hard hitting Pokémon, go with a Bulkier team or a Hyper Offensive play style.

Understanding Your Opponent!

Competitive Pokémon is a game of strategic turn-based events. Chess is a prime example of this play style that everyone knows the concept. To understand how to play Pokémon is one concept but you also have to worry about your opponent's strategy.

Knowing Your Win Condition

As the game progresses, you want to establish your win condition. Before the beginning of each battle, there is always a team summary page.

In chess it is always beneficial to keep your queen on the board. It's the most versatile piece giving you more options the any other piece in the game. The team summary screen should give you an idea of who your queen is on your team: The Pokémon that will in the end give you the most options and the highest chance of winning.

The Obvious. Practice

Practice makes perfect and you will never increase as a competitive Pokémon player without it!