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CSC-101-DA: Programming for Everyone I | Carlow University | Fall 2023

course wk no. date session links learning objectives completion targets
CSC-101-DA 1 Monday

Course overview

Create a flow diagram for a mini project: whose your neighbor

Study the Severance chapters 1 and 2 (and start ch. 3 for next week). At minimum, type all python code the author includes in the chapters into your python interpreter. At best, customize the code by modifying it slightly (change variable names and values). Attempt 1-2 exercises per chapter.

CSC-101-DA Wednesday

Continue Whose My Neighbor

Engage with peer programs

CSC-101-DA 2 Monday

{no class} Labor Day (US0

But it'd be best to dig into chapter 3 for Wednesday's class if you are new to Python.

CSC-101-DA Wednesday

Topic: Variables, data types

Build python code that implements conditional logic by assessing the value of user-defined variables.

Setup local Development Environment

Download and install a python development environment. This course recommends PyCharm Community which is free and highly featured. Scroll below the paid version on the download page to the Community edition. Choose your operating system. I also posted a tutorial videos made by Koolac and Tech With Tim which is just one of many "how to use PyCharm" videos circulating out there on the web.

Code throuh part 2 or 3 in our road trip project

Based on our class work, try to complete part 2 and as much of part 3 as you can

Study Essentials from Textbook Ch. 3

Study the Severance chapters 3. At minimum, type all python code the author includes in the chapters into your python interpreter. At best, customize the code by modifying it slightly (change variable names and values).

CSC-101-DA 3 Monday

Gitlab setup

Editing readme.md file

Uploading code to gitlab

Design conditional logic using a flow chart and implement in Python

Create web-accessible git server account

Then email Eric your gitlab user name at ecdarsow at carlow dot edu

Study Essentials from Textbook Ch. 3

Study the Severance chapters 3. At minimum, type all python code the author includes in the chapters into your python interpreter. At best, customize the code by modifying it slightly (change variable names and values).

Make headway on Might We Be Friends? project

Dedicate a chunk of high-focus time to building your friends project. Plan on a spec check on Monday, 18th.

CSC-101-DA Wednesday

Revisit gitlab project visibility: Create a new public project and email Eric the URL: ecdarsow@carlow.edu

Conditional logic essentials

Create a flow chart of conditional logic which assembles a friend compatibility index.

Write conditional logic that controls changes to a numeric variable.

CSC-101-DA 4 Monday

Work time on Friends project. Don't forget to maintain a solid flow chart!

Evaluate conditional logic and vairable assignment using your brain.

Customize your README.md

Remove all pre-written text from gitlab. Add a few sentences about yourself and your educational goals. Then make headers for each of your projects. Finally, dedicate a few minutes to reviewing the features of markdown in the unofficial markdown guide by adding a link or an image to your file.

Finish Friends Project

Completion target: Prepare to share Friends project at the end of class on Wednesday the 20th. Upload your completed code to your server side git repo for sharing with your peers and the world.

Study Essentials from Textbook Ch. 5

Study the Severance chapter 5: Iteration. At minimum, type all python code the author includes in the chapter into your python interpreter. (We'll do chapter 4 functions after looping.)

CSC-101-DA Wednesday

Finish and share Might We Be Friends?

Review peer software for specification alignment.

CSC-101-DA 5 Monday

Looping: While looping and conditional logic

Dig into looping projects: Target completion Monday, 2-OCT at beginning of class.

Log approximate 3-8 hours of high-focus time building the mini guessing project at the end of this module.

Study the Severance chapter 5: Iteration. Focus on the for looping second half of the chapter. At minimum, type all python code the author includes in the chapter into your python interpreter. (We'll do chapter 4 functions after looping.)

CSC-101-DA Wednesday

Paper compiling on looping and work time on looping project

Class demo of the random module for use in the guessing mini-project

Import a library module from the python standard library and use its functions in a program.

CSC-101-DA 6 Monday

Spec check and sharing of looping project

Code-a-long list operations

  • Demonstrate list creation and access through index in []
  • Use a for loop to iterate over each item in a list
  • Read documentation to discover additional features

Create and modify list data structures in python

Study Essentials from Textbook Ch. 5

Study the Severance chapter 5: Iteration. At minimum, type all python code the author includes in the chapter into your python interpreter. (We'll do chapter 4 functions after looping.)

Make headway on the checklist manager project

Comletion target for this project could be Monday, 9-October

CSC-101-DA Wednesday

Continue work on checklst management project

Implement a list-management tool

CSC-101-DA 7 Monday

Code-a-long: Python dictionaries

Use texbook chapter 5 and the python.org data structures reference to create, write to, read from, and update entries in a python dictionary.

CSC-101-DA Wednesday
CSC-101-DA 8 Monday

no class, fall break

CSC-101-DA Wednesday

Reusing code with functions

Mid-term project worktime and sharing

CSC-101-DA 9 Monday

More advanced functions: complex input and output members

CSC-101-DA Wednesday
CSC-101-DA 10 Monday

File input and output; Special CSV files

CSC-101-DA Wednesday

CSC-101-DA 11 Monday

Collaborative coding with version control: meet git

CSC-101-DA Wednesday

CSC-101-DA 12 Monday

Introduction to object-oriented python

CSC-101-DA Wednesday

CSC-101-DA 13 Monday

Design specifications for our final projects

CSC-101-DA Wednesday
No Class! Turkey Day!

Work on final project

CSC-101-DA 14 Monday

Collaborative work time on final project

CSC-101-DA Wednesday

CSC-101-DA 15 Monday

Flex week; work time on final project

CSC-101-DA Wednesday


(No class Monday, 11-DEC-2023)

From 3:30 to 5:30 pm

Grade Proposals

Share final projects

Engage deeply with databases

No more class, No more todos!